⭐️ It is a Great Day to be a Malvern Hornet!
💪 Elec Simon School Motivation and School Spirit Assembly!
Elec delivered a powerful message of pursuing your dreams!
We celebrated our All Ohio Wrestlers and Sent Off the Varsity Basketball Team to Athens for our Regional Semi Final Game!
Thank you MHS Student Council for Sponsoring Elec’s Event at Brown Local!
What an amazing morning! Go Hornets! #MalvernPride
Today is: Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Good morning – At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you.
There will be an assembly this morning for all students in grades 6 through 12. We will make the announcement for dismissal.
Heart Lollipops are STILL AT 2 for $1!!! Come and get 'em in room 238!
Middle School/High School art club this week will be Friday 2:30-4:00!
The 7th grade is having a fundraiser THIS week to raise money to help build water wells in South Sudan. Please help them raise money by participating in the bake sale beginning TODAY through Friday. Everything will be $1.
Any students or staff that wish to send shout outs to members of the Willy Wonka production to be printed in the program should stop in Mr. Skidmore’s room and pick up a form. Shouts outs are $2 each and are due by Friday, March 15.
The Jr/Sr Prom is approaching and is set for Saturday, April 20th. Prom informational packets are now available in the high school office or see Mrs. Spencer, as well as the Out of School Guest permission forms. Tickets will go on sale next Monday, March 18th in Mrs. Spencer’s room - Room 127.
If you are riding the pep bus - you must pay $2.00 to ride by NOON today.
REMINDER – TODAY - Students that are going to the Regional Boys Basketball game, EXCEPT FOR THE BASKETBALL TEAM AND CHEERLEADERS this afternoon MUST sign out in the high school office before leaving the building.
Good luck to our varsity boys basketball team this evening in REGIONAL tournament action against McDermott Northwest High School at Ohio University beginning at 6:00 pm.
For Lunch today - Pizza, carrot and celery sticks with dip, pears, cookie, and fresh fruit.
At this time, staff - please show the HYPE video that Mrs. Kee shared with you last evening. Thank you.
Today is: Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Good morning – At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Find out who you are and be that person”.
Heart Lollipops are 2 for $1!!! Come and get 'em in room 238!
Middle School/High School art club this week will be Friday 2:30-4:00!
The 7th grade is having a fundraiser THIS week to raise money to help build water wells in South Sudan. Please help them raise money by participating in the bake sale beginning TODAY through Friday. Everything will be $1.
TODAY - Attention HS girls Volleyball players- there will be a short meeting at 10:40 in the HS gym with Coach Virtue. Please plan on attending for a short time.
NEED A RIDE to the game Wednesday night? We plan to have a PEP BUS going if we get enough students/staff members - Sign up TODAY in the office. The cost is $2.00 to ride the bus. The bus will leave from the school tomorrow at 1:00 pm. You must purchase your game ticket online and please plan to take money for food on the way to the game.
For Lunch today - Rotini with meat sauce or chicken alfredo with a twist, garlic toast, romaine salad, hot cinnamon apples, and fresh fruit.
At this time, students may be dismissed to their exploratory area. Staff - please take attendance before dismissing students. Thank you.
🌟 Gold Star to our Malvern High School Leadership Lighthouse Team! Fantastic Job Presenting at the Brown Local Board of Education Meeting this evening! This team has had a tremendous positive impact on our school climate and culture- Go Hornets! #MalvernPride
⭐️ Congratulations MES Preschool!
Malvern Preschool was recently awarded a 5 star rating for meeting the quality standards established by the Ohio Department of Job & Family Services and the Ohio Department of Education.
Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) IS A five star quality rating and improvement system which recognizes and promotes early learning and development programs that exceed the minimum health and safety licensing regulations. FIve star programs exemplify high quality levels of developmentally appropriate instruction, environment and licensing criteria.
The Malvern Preschool staff members are Mrs. Maggie Russ (intervention specialist), Mrs. Julie Yerrick ( paraprofessional) and Mrs. Alicia Paulette(teacher).
Malvern Preschool will be hosting an open house for interested families wanting to learn more about the program on Friday April 26th, 2024. Families may call to schedule a meeting time at 330-863-1355 and ask for the preschool classroom.
Today is: Monday, March 11, 2024
Good morning – At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
Heart Lollipops are 2 for $1!!! Come and get 'em in room 238!
Middle School/High School art club this week will be Monday and Friday 2:30-4:00!
The 7th grade is having a fundraiser THIS week to raise money to help build water wells in South Sudan. Please help them raise money by participating in the bake sale beginning TODAY through Friday. Everything will be $1.
Congratulations to our two state wrestling qualifiers - Senior Zach Babiczuk placed 7th in the State of Ohio in his division and Junior Tyson Clear placed 4th in the State of Ohio in his division. Way to go!!!
Congratulations to our varsity boys basketball team - District Champs — now onto Regionals – we will play McDermott Northwest High School on Wednesday evening at Ohio University. Tickets are to be purchased on the Ohio High School Athletic website.
NEED A RIDE to the game Wednesday night? We plan to have a PEP BUS going if we get enough students/staff members - Sign up TODAY in the office.
For Lunch today - Chicken patty or spicy chicken patty sandwich, oven french fries, peaches, and fresh fruit.
🏀 OHSAA Athens Regional Semifinal Information 26-0 Malvern Hornets vs 23-3 McDermott Northwest Mohawks 🗓️ Wednesday, March 13 ⏰ 6:00 PM 🗺️ Ohio University- Athens 📺 Big Z Sports Live Radio- TV Broadcast Delay Doors open 4:45 pm- Malvern is the visiting team ALL Tickets need purchased online! Adults =$12, Students =$5, No cash sales! Concession Stand allows cash use Go Hornets! #MalvernPride
🏆 District Champions! Sweet 16 Bound!
🏀 Go Hornets!
Ohio University Here We Come!
💪 It is a Great Day to be a Malvern Hornet!
OHSAA State Wrestling Tournament- Round 1
⭐️ 165- Tyson Clear (44-2) Defeats Brencyn Evans- Monroeville (47-9) Decision- 7-2
⭐️215 Zach Babiczuk (40-9) Defeats Collin Sullivan- Fairless (40-7) Decision- 10-3
Zach and Tyson will wrestle again tomorrow at 9:30 AM in the Championship Quarterfinals
Go Hornets! #MalvernPride
🌟 Congratulations MMS Student Leaders of the Month!
We are proud of you! Go Hornets! #MalvernPride
Aubrey Diehl
Liam Moody
Mia Sikorsky
Rocco Farro
Owen Warth
Grace Beavers (not pictured)
#MalvernPride MHS Leadership Team Video Update- March, 8, 2024-
News Update
RG Drage Visit
State Wrestling Wrestling Interview
Go Hornets
📺 https://www.wevideo.com/view/3364702659
🏀 25-0 Malvern Hornets vs 16-8 Martins Ferry Raiders
🏆 East District Championship Game
🗓️ Friday- March 8, 7:00 PM
🗺️ Claymont High School
📺 https://www.youtube.com/live/UwqcxvQCSPk?si=JIUB6figcW2FotGg
Go Hornets! #MalvernPride
🌟 It is a Great Day to be a Malvern Hornet!
OHSAA State Wrestling Championships School Spirit Send Off!
Good Luck Zach and Tyson! We are Proud of you!
Thank you Malvern Band and Malvern Hornet Cheerleading
Go Hornets! Go Malvern Wrestling! #MalvernPride
🌟 It is a Great Day to be a Malvern Hornet!
#MalvernPride Sophomores attended the Junior Achievement of North Central Ohio Inspire Event at Hall of Fame Village
Over 100 Career and Education Opportunities for our students! What an amazing event!
Go Hornets!
#MalvernPride Honors English 10 Engage In Class Debates! Go Hornets!
Today is: Wednesday, March 6, 2024
Good morning – At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: In every day, there are 1,440 minutes.
Foreign Culture Club is still selling heart suckers in 9 yummy flavors. Now every time you spend three dollars, you get a 4th sucker for free! Please stop down in Room 238 to get your suckers. Thanks for your support.
Spirit week this week - Tomorrow, is USA day. Dress in your RED, WHITE and BLUE.
Congratulations to our high school boys basketball team last night for defeating the Barnesville Shamrocks. Our team will play in the District Finals at Claymont High School this Friday evening at 7:00 pm against Martins Ferry. Purchase your tickets on line at the Ohio High School Athletic Association’s website. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students.
NEED A RIDE TO THE GAME FRIDAY NIGHT? We will have a PEP BUS leaving the school Friday night at 5:15 pm. Sign up in the office - the price to ride is ONLY $2.00. Sign up today!!!!
For Lunch today - Pizza, carrot and celery sticks with dip, pears, cookie, and fresh fruit.
Happy Birthday wishes TODAY to Ayanna from Maddy, Olivia, Jayden, Lexi, Mia and ALL YOUR OTHER FRIENDS HERE AT MALVERN.
💚 it is a Great Day to be a Malvern Hornet!
⭐️ It is a Great Day to be a Malvern Hornet!
🏀 1,000 Career Points- J’Allen Barrino
Tonight- J’Allen led all scorers with 21 points, 7 rebounds and a steal. He surpassed 1000 career points in the win!
J’Allen is a champion on and off the court. J’Allen is a leader who always represents Malvern High School with class and pride- Congratulations- We are proud of you!
Go Hornets! #MalvernPride
⭐️ It is a Great Day to be a Malvern Hornet!
🏀 OHSAA East District Semifinal
🏀 Malvern 66 Barnesville 50
25-0! Go Hornets! #MalvernPride
🏀 It is a great day to be a Malvern Hornet!
Division III East District Semi Final-
Malvern 24-0 Vs Barnesville 15-9
🗺️ Edison High School
⏰ 7:00 PM
The Hornets are at the district level for an amazing 18th straight season. Now they'll try to advance to the regionals for the first time since 2017. Senior guard J'Allen Barrino's 18.8 points a game lead No. 1 seed Malvern — the only undefeated team in the state. No. 9 seed Barnesville should be feeling confident after knocking off No. 5 Buckeye Trail 55-46 in double overtime and No. 2 Harrison Central 51-42 in its two sectional games. The Shamrocks had gone 0-3 against those teams in the regular season. Junior Casey Carpenter scored a team-high 19 points in the sectional final win. Senior Asa Geilinger is a 1,000-point career scorer.
📺 Stream- https://www.youtube.com/live/pcpYvo3YN9g?si=wsxnfiCistg1l4ZJ