Treasurer Forms & Links
Five Year Forecast
Each October and May, all public school districts in Ohio are required to complete and submit an updated Five Year Forecast to the Ohio Department of Education. The Five Year Forecast shows three years of actual financial information for the District and five years of estimated financial information. Notes to the Five Year Forecast are also included to explain the methods and nuances which shape the estimates that are projected. The link below is the latest Five Year Forecast for Brown Local School District.
Health Insurance Benefits
Medical, prescription, dental, and vision insurance benefit information for District employees is provided through the Stark County COG. If you need information, you can contact Julie Erwin or Kim Brahler in the fiscal office. You may also contact Kim Sanford at the Stark County COG at regarding questions or concerns.
Record Change Form This form is used to make any changes to health benefit enrollment
Life Insurance Beneficiary Designation Form
Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act NOTICE
Extra Curricular and Student Activities (Athletic and Academic)
Per Board policy, all extracurricular and student activities are to be financially self-supporting. In addition, all financial aspects of operating extracurricular and student activities are to be in compliance with State law and the following Board-adopted handbook.
Activity Purpose Clause/Budget Statement Form
District Employee Forms
Direct Deposit Authorization Form - See Kim
Employee Expense Reimbursement Form This must be submitted for mileage reimbursement
Request for Asset Disposal (Transfer) Form
Tuition Reimbursement Application Form
Advisor/Coach Transportation Certificate Form
403 (b) Plan Information
Brown Local offers all regular employees the option of participating in a 403(b) Plan through payroll deduction. TSA Consulting Group is the District's plan administrator. Please click here for a link to Brown Local's portion of their website. Plan information, authorized investment providers, and forms are available through this link.
Medicaid Reimbursement
Local Education Agencies (LEAs), such as school districts, are eligible to receive Federal Medicaid reimbursement for medically necessary services provided to their special education students when the services meet the requirements of the State's Medicaid Program and are provided in accordance with the students' IEPs.
The Individuals and Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) require schools to notify parents that students' education and health-related records such as IEPs and Evaluation Reports may be shared and the services may be billed to Medicaid through the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services.
If for any reason you should want to opt out of having your child's information shared/billed through Medicaid, please contact Healthcare Billing Services (HBS) at 740.653.6711.
Note: This medicaid reimbursement notice was originally posted on the homepage on August 9, 2011, and was reposted here on January 17, 2012.
Contact Info
(330) 863-1170 ext. 202
Assistant Treasurer
330) 863-1170 ext. 202
Assistant to the Treasurer
(330) 863-1170 ext. 203
The Treasurer's office oversees all of the financial operations for Brown Local Schools.