Curriculum Department Contacts
330-863-1355, Ext. 1160
District Benchmark Test:
Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®) creates a personalized assessment experience by adapting to each student’s learning level—precisely measuring student progress and growth for each individual. You’ll have essential information about what each student knows and is ready to learn within 24 hours.
Destination PD is the online NWEA/MAPS tutorial. .
MAPS Test Warm-up This site contains MAP test questions and a short video
Welcome to Measures of Academic Progress® (MAP®)
Teacher login page

American Institutes of Research
Science and Social Studies
Ohio State Test (OST) Information
Test Administrator Certification Course to prepare for Ohio’s State Tests. This course provides step-by-step instructions for starting a test session in the Test Administrator Interface, marking student test settings, approving students to test and monitoring a test session.
The course is generic in nature; personnel are advised to review the companion document while completing the course. The document offers Ohio-specific information and clarifications
Brown Local Assessment Policy and Security:
Ohio’s State Tests measure how students statewide are developing the knowledge and skills described in Ohio’s Learning Standards in a selected number of subject areas. The test results also help measure each public school’s performance, which is reflected on its annual Ohio School Report Card.
Students in grades 3 through 8 and high school take Ohio’s State Tests in English language arts and mathematics. Periodically in middle and high school, these students also take state tests in science and social studies. Brown Local Test Administrators are trained and follow procedures set forth by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. Brown Local Assessment Policies and Procedures can be found here: