⭐️ Maddie Powers Represents Malvern Girls Basketball One Last Time at the Prestigious Ohio High School Basketball Coaches Association North-South All Star Game!
Maddie had Six Points and Four Rebounds and her North Squad Came Up Just Short 71-70 in a Great Game!
We Are Very Proud of You Maddie- One of the Very Best to Ever Wear a Hornet Jersey!
Go Hornets!
🏀 Welcome to Malvern Coach Sarbaugh! Go Hornets! #MalvernPride
During a special Board of Education Meeting Friday morning, Natalie Sarbaugh was selected as the next Head Girls' Basketball Coach for Malvern High School. Natalie comes to Malvern from Northwest High School, serving as the Assistant Girls' Basketball Coach for the past four seasons. During the most recent ‘22-23 season, under the direction of Head Coach Kevin Lower, Coach Sarbaugh helped lead the Northwest Indians to the OHSAA Division II State Championships, earning state runner-up honors and finishing with a record of 27-3. At Northwest, Coach Sarbaugh also served as the Head Middle School Track Coach and Head Middle School Volleyball Coach. Before Northwest, she served for one season as the Assistant Girls' Basketball Coach at Fairless High School and previously coached Middle School Girls' Basketball at North Canton Hoover for three seasons.
Athletic Director Dave Tucci was honored today by the East District! Congratulations Mr. Tucci and thank you for all of your years of service!
Congrats to EOIAAA 10 year service award winners: Dave Tucci: Malvern. Gary Spinell: Strasburg. Jeff Wheeler: Meadowbrook
#MalvernPride Spring Drama Celebration! Go Hornets!
National Library Week- We are so fortunate to enjoy a beautiful Library/Media Center here on our Brown Local Campus! Thank you, Mrs. Maffett for all you do to make the Malvern School Library Great! #MalvernPride
Happy Birthday Mrs. Jones! We appreciate you! Enjoy your special day!
⭐️ Today We Celebrate National Administrative Professionals Day!
Gold Star Award to Debbie Browning, Missy Kandel and Sudie Yoder- We appreciate all you do each and every day for our students, staff and community! You are all Amazing! Thank You and Enjoy your special day!
2023 Education Celebration Nominations: Brown Local Schools
On Tuesday, April 25th, The Stark County Educational Service Center hosted the annual Education Celebration at Kent State University- Stark CAmpus. Educators across the area were honored for their contributions and dedication to the education profession.
Teacher of the Year: Shannon Schmidt
Shannon Schmidt has been chosen as the 2022-2023 Teacher of the Year for Brown Local Schools. Shannon has been an educator for 18 years and serves as a 2nd-grade teacher at Malvern Elementary School. Shannon exemplifies compassion and dedication. She is extremely passionate and dedicated to the growth and development of her students. Shannon works extremely hard and is committed to providing high-quality, engaging educational learning experiences for her class. Shannon continually seeks ways to strengthen herself as an educator and grow professionally. She is a leader among her colleagues and is always willing to share resources and instructional knowledge. She serves on the Literacy Committee, Building Leadership Team, and District Leadership Team.
Rookie of the Year: Kyle Stotzer- Mr. Stotzer is a 2021 graduate of Kent State University and is in his second year as a 4th and 5th-grade teacher at Malvern Elementary School. Mr. Stotzer also is the Head Varsity Baseball Coach and a Middle School Boy Basketball Coach for the Hornets. Mr. Stotzer is a dedicated and passionate teacher who Brown Local is fortunate to have!
⭐️ Congratulations 2023 Malvern High School Prom Court!
👑 Senior Prom King- Daniel Untch
👑 Senior Prom Queen- Tana Drew
👑 Junior Prom Prince- Ryan Runyon
👑 Junior Prom Princess- Eve Richard
All of of these students are outstanding representatives of MHS!! #MalvernPride
⭐️ Thank You to all of our Very Generous MHS After Prom Sponsors- Our Students had an Incredible Time! We are so fortunate to have amazing community support! #MalvernPride
⭐️ It is a Great Day to be a Malvern Hornet!
🎪 MHS After Prom Game Night!!! #MalvernPride
⭐️ It is a Great Day to be a Malvern Hornet!
🪩 MHS Prom 2023!
Today’s Home Baseball and Softball Games Have Been Postponed- Saturday, April 22nd.
Happy Birthday School Psychologist Mrs. Tori Benyo! We appreciate you! Enjoy your birthday weekend!
⭐️ Outstanding Day of Leadership Training and Planning for the MHS Leadership Lighthouse Team- Gold Star Malvern First Christian Church for being a great host!
✅ Collaboration
✅ Planning
✅ Motivation
✅ School Pride
Go Hornets!
Congratulations to Chloe Krutilek on receiving the John Halkides Tribute Fund Award for the 2023-2024 school year! This scholarship is available to middle school band students associated with Stark County ESC and provides a full year of private lessons. #MalvernPride
🌧️ Unfortunately Our Event in the Park for Tonight Has Been Cancelled Due to Weather-
⚾️ 🥎 Varsity Baseball and Softball Games are Postponed to this Thursday at 5:00 PM
🏃♀️ Middle School Track is postponed to this Wednesday at 4:30 PM
🌮 Food Trucks are canceled- 😞
⭐️ MHS Graduated Driver Presentation and State Highway Patrol Drive to Live Assembly!
Thank you to Sergeant Bill Bower and Trooper Troy Thompson of the Ohio Highway Patrol- New Philadelphia Post! Thank you, Wendy Gotschall of the Carroll County Health Department!
Please emphasize eliminating distracted driving with your teen drivers. April-May-June and the deadliest months on our roads. Students are three times more likely to be involved in an accident over the next 90 days- Make Good Choices and Stay Safe!
🥎 Malvern Hornets Softball Come From Behind to Defeat Fairless 12-10 for a Big Win! Great Team Effort! Go Hornets! #MalvernPride
⭐️ School Record Alert!
Boys 4 X 200 Meter Relay-1:34.52.
Previous record 1:34.54- Congratulations! Go Hornets! #MalvernPride