Today is: Wednesday, September 14, 2022
Good morning –
At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Today, I would like you to think about all that you are INSTEAD of all that you are not”.
There will be a Science Club meeting today during 5th period in Mrs. Kee's room. Please bring your lunch.
Foreign Culture Club will meet TOMORROW during 5th period in room 238 to hold officer elections and decide on a fundraiser. Please try to come if you plan to participate in Foreign Culture Club this year.
Attention Seniors: The Senior Class picture and individual portraits will be held on Wednesday, September 21st at 6:45pm in the Cafeteria. If you want a senior banner or want to be in the Senior Class photo, you must attend. More detailed information was mailed home two weeks ago. See the office or Mrs. Kee if you have questions.
The fall homecoming dance is Saturday, October 8 - from 7:00 to 9:30 pm here in the cafe. We now have Out of School Guest permission forms here in the office. If you plan to bring a date from another school, please stop into the office for the permission slip. Thank you.
Good luck to our golf team tonight at Sandy Valley. Good luck to our high school volleyball teams tonight at Lisbon. Good luck to our junior high volleyball teams tonight here at home against East Canton. Game time is 5:00 pm in the gym.
Lunch today: Pizza, broccoli and cheese, tropical fruit, cookie, and fresh fruit.