


Today is: Thursday, May 4, 2023

Good morning – 

At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  Thank you.

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  “Speak positive words into your life every single morning.  Think big.  Think healing.  Think success.  Think peace.  Think happiness.  Think growth mindset.  Always start the day with positive energy - YOU deserve it.”

Food trucks will be here today during lunch.

Attention Seniors: You should have received a Google Form in your email for contributing a senior quote to this year's yearbook. If you want a quote included, this form MUST be completed by Friday, May 12th.

Congrats to the middle school leaders for the month of May!

Luca Marinucci

Olivia Maher

Nate Ezell

Lexi Wood

Stephen Harmon

Alyssa Bailey-Saller

Please see Mrs. Wagner for a short meeting and your treat after the announcements. 

Good luck to our junior high track this afternoon at Indian Valley for the IVC meet.

Lunch today:   French toast sticks, sausage link, hash brown patty, orange juice cup, and fresh fruit.