⭐️ Congratulations to our 2023 MHS Senior Track Athletes! We are very proud of you all!
Ja’son Barrino
Ja’son is with his mother, Latoia Strain, and Raymond Strain. He is a 2-year letter winner in Track, where he was a Regional Qualifier in the Long Jump last year. Ja’son also lettered two years in basketball, where he was an IVC and District 5 Honorable Mention selection. He attends RG Drage Career Center and is in the Sports Medicine program. Ja’son is a member of the National Technology Honor Society. After Graduation, he plans to attend Michigan State University, continuing his pursuit of a career in Sports Medicine.
Drake DeLong
Drake is with his mother, Natalie DeLong, and grandfather, Robert DeLong. He will a letter for the 2nd time in Track and also earned two letters in Basketball, where he received the team’s Hornet Award. Drake is a member of the school record-breaking 4 x 200 Relay Team. He attends RG Drage Career Center and is in the Turf Management program. After Graduation from Malvern High School, Drake wants to get a job in the Landscaping business.
Seth Kandel
Seth is with his parents, Missy, and Troy Kandel. He attends the RG Drage Career Center for Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation and takes college credit plus courses. Seth will earn his 3rd letter in Track. He was a 4-year letter winner in Cross Country, where Seth was a Regional Qualifier. He also lettered two years in basketball, where Seth was awarded the team’s Hornet Award. Seth is a member of the National Honor Society, a member of the First Christian Church, a Malvern Troop 155 Eagle Scout, and is employed at Grinders. After graduation, he plans to attend Heidelberg University to major in Exercise Science and Athletic Training. Seth also has committed to their Cross Country and Track programs.
Frank McClelland
Frank is with his parents, Diana and Frank Jr. He will letter for the 3rd time in Track, where he was a Regional Qualifier in the Shot Put a year ago. Frank was a 3-year letter winner in Wrestling, where he was a District Qualifier. He also lettered four years in Football, earned 1st Team All IVC and East District, and was Honorable Mention All-Ohio. Frank is a 4-year member of the Band and a member of the National Honor Society. He plans to attend college and major in Computer Science, and possibly play football.
Emily Nevi
Emily is with her mother, Beth Ferry. She is a 4-year letter winner in Track and Cross Country. Emily is a four year Exceptional Olympian and a member of the high school Student Council and is a member of the Peer Partner program here at Malvern. She was selected as the Senior Homecoming Attendant in the Fall. Emily would like to attend college after high school Graduation.
Shane Rodgers
Shane is with his parents, Missy and Bruce Rodgers. He is a 4-year letter winner in Track, where he is a 2-time Regional Qualifier, one in the 110 high hurdles and one in the 4 x 200 Relay. Shane also was an Honorable Mention All IVC selection a year ago. He lettered for one year in Cross Country and played basketball for two seasons. Shane is a member of the National Honor Society. After Graduation, he plans to attend the University of Akron and major in Mechanical Engineering.
Kelby Wafler
Kelby is with his parents, Roni Wafler and Kelby Wafler. He is a 2-year letter winner in Track, where he was selected to the 2nd team All IVC and a Regional Qualifier in the 4 x 200 Relay a year ago. Kelby is a member of the current 4 x 200 record-breaking Relay Team and was a 3-year letter winner in Football, where he was named to the IVC 1st Team and East District 2nd Team. Kelby attends RG Drage Career Center and is in the Turf Management program. He is undecided about his future plans after high school Graduation.
Xavier Watson
Xavier is with his parents, Jodi and Darren Watson. He will letter for the 4th time in Track, where he was a Regional Qualifier in the 4 x 200 Relay a year ago and also a member of the current 4 x 200 record-breaking team. Xavier earned four varsity letters in Wrestling, where he was a State Qualifier this past winter and earned his 100th career win. He is the 14th Hornet wrestler to reach this milestone. Xavier also lettered 3 years in football. He also attends RG Drage Career Center for Heavy Truck Diesel. Xavier plans to enlist in the Military after Graduation.