School Board

Honoring our Brown Local School Board Members

 School board members exemplify local citizen control and decision-making in education. They volunteer hundreds of hours and an immeasurable amount of energy to ensure that our schools provide the best education possible for the children of our community. At the February Brown Local Board of Education Meeting,  staff and students had the opportunity to show our appreciation and recognize School Board Recognition Month. 

School Board Members were given thank-you cards from Miss Lutz’ and Mrs. Hudson’s third-grade classroom. Thank you banners created by the honors high school art class were displayed throughout the media center. Superintendent Mark Scott publicly thanked the Brown Local Board of Education for their hard work, dedication, and vision in leading the school district. 

Brown Local School Board Members Pictured Left to Right:

Nathan Bush

Kimberly Engle

President Tami Hulit

Vice President Tara Bowe

Missing from Picture: Ron Ruegg