Today is: Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Good morning –
At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Kindness NEVER takes a vacation.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters program is cancelled for today.
Interim grades can now be viewed on the Home Access Center.
Kindness week is continuing THIS week - Tomorrow, please wear workout clothes or your comfy clothes. Remember to workout problems with kindness.
6th Graders - The Dental Sealant procedure will be here this Friday, February 17th. You must turn in the yellow permission slip. Thank you.
Spring picture day is NEXT Wednesday, February 22 for Grades 6 through 11.
Just a reminder: Track practice for high school will begin Monday, Feb 20th for all athletes not currently participating in a winter sport. Practice will be from 345-515 @ the track.
Lunch today: Pizza, carrot sticks and cucumbers with dip, apple crisp, cookie, and fresh fruit.
Happy birthday wishes today to Haiden Brooks from Emily and all your other friends here at Malvern.