
Today is: Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Good morning – 

At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  Thank you.

QUOTE OF THE DAY:   Positive anything is better than negative nothing.

Tomorrow - please dress as your favorite Christmas character.

Good luck to everyone trying out today for the SpongeBob musical during the 6th period. Lunch can be eaten in the choir room to help accommodate many who are trying out. Also, be sure to fill out the audition form provided on the piano.


Attention all girls in grade 6- The 5th and 6th-grade Volleyball sign-up forms are due to Ms. Hall or Mrs. Virtue by Friday, December 16th. Please make sure to get them in on time. 


Attention 6th graders- All forms and money are DUE Friday for the Pie Sale for the 6th Grade Camp Fundraiser. Please turn them into Mrs. Virtue by Friday morning. 

Good luck to our high school varsity girl’s basketball team at Conotton Valley.  

Lunch today:  Pizza, carrot and celery sticks with drip, pears, cookie, and fresh fruit.