
Today is: Thursday, November 3, 2022

Good morning – 

At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  Thank you.

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  “It doesn't matter what others are doing, it matters what you are doing”.


Parent/Teacher conferences are THIS evening from 4:30 until 7:30 pm.

There will be a National Honors Society meeting TODAY in Mr. Dungee's room during 5th period. All current members and inductees are required to attend.

Powder Puff football is this evening at the football field beginning at 7:00 pm.  All proceeds will benefit the Jr/Sr Prom 2023.

Please support our High School Band - Malvern’s 1st Annual Drumline Showcase is this Saturday evening beginning at 6:15 pm in the high school gym.  Tickets are $5.00 each.  Please come out and support the drumline.  Other schools that will be participating are Carrollton, Toronto, East Canton, Harrison Central, Buckeye Trail, Minerva, and Alliance.  A concession stand will also be available.


Foreign Culture Club will meet NEXT Tuesday November 8 during 5th period in room 238. All members should attend if possible. We are making plans for our upcoming fundraiser and will need all the help we can get. Please try to make it! Thanks!


Lunch today:  Popcorn chicken bowl, mashed potatoes, corn, hot cinnamon apples, and fresh fruit.