Today is: Friday, April 28, 2023
Good morning –
At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Thank you.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Learn from yesterday; live for today; hope for tomorrow.
SENIORS - Your Intent to Participate in Graduation and your future intentions are to be turned into the office completed on Monday, May 1st.
The Spring Band concert is this Sunday afternoon beginning at 2:00 pm. Good luck to all participants.
Foreign Culture will meet on Monday, May 1st during 5th period in Miss Laser's room. Please plan to attend if you are a member.
There will be a meeting for all current 6th and 7th graders this coming Monday, May 1st here in the cafeteria beginning at 6:00 pm for the Washington DC trip this fall. All parents and students are encouraged to attend this very important meeting.
Good luck to our high school track teams tonight at the Carrollton Invitational. Good luck to our softball team tonight at Sebring. Good luck to our junior high track teams tomorrow at Berlin Western Reserve. Good luck to our softball team tomorrow at Sebring. Good luck to our baseball team tomorrow at St. Thomas Aquinas.
Our school is looking for summer help. If you are interested, please see Mike or Doug in the cafeteria.
Lunch today: Bosco stick with marinara sauce, California blend, mandarin oranges, and fresh fruit.