


Today is: Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Good morning – 

At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  Thank you.

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

REMINDER - Testing Tuesday is today.  Good luck to all that are testing today.

Chic-fil-A will be bringing a food truck THIS Friday to benefit the show choir. A spreadsheet order-form has been shared with all homeroom teachers. Please let your teachers know what you want so they can fill in the spreadsheet. Orders must be in by TOMORROW.

Anyone in grades 8-11 wishing to try out for high school cheerleading needs to see Mrs. Marinucci in room 228 by the end of the week to sign up and receive a permission form.

Good luck to our high school track teams this evening at Tusky Valley.  Good luck to our softball team tonight at Conotton Valley.  

Lunch today:   Stromboli or mini ravioli with sauce, breadstick, romaine salad, pineapple tidbits and fresh fruit.