


Today is: Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Good morning – 

At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  Thank you.

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  “Don’t go with the flow.  Be the flow.”


Middle School Bake Sale for the Water for Sudan fundraiser is this week during 5th & 6th periods!

SENIORS - The Little Sandy Creek Ruritan Club Scholarship applications are here in the high school office.  Please stop by the office for your scholarship application today.

The SpongeBob musical  will be presented this Friday & Saturday at 7 PM here in the Cafetorium. Tickets will be sold at the door-$10 dollars 12 & up and 5 dollars 11 & under. Concessions will be offered!

THIS FRIDAY, please dress up in your favorite “SpongeBob” character.  

TOMORROW is spring sports pictures after school.

Lunch today:   Rotini w/meat sauce or Chicken Alfredo with a twist, garlic toast, romaine salad, strawberry cup, and fresh fruit.