


Today is: Monday, March 20, 2023

Good morning – 

At this time, please stand and face the US Flag in your room and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.  Thank you.

QUOTE OF THE DAY:  “We are all neighbors. Be kind. Be gentle.”


TODAY is the first day of the 4th 9 weeks and the first day of the last rotation for 5th period for the 6th and 7th graders.  

Middle School Bake Sale for the Water for Sudan fundraiser is this week during 5th & 6th periods!

SENIORS - The Little Sandy Creek Ruritan Club Scholarship applications are here in the high school office.  Please stop by the office for your scholarship application today.

The 12th annual spring slam boys volleyball tournament is this evening beginning at 5:00 pm  The cost is $2.00.  There will be a basket raffle.  Please come and support the volleyball program and check out our boys volleyball players.

The SpongeBob musical  will be presented this Friday & Saturday at 7 PM here in the Cafetorium. Tickets will be sold at the door-$10 dollars 12 & up and 5 dollars 11 & under. Concessions will be offered!

Announcement: All cast members report directly to the stage at 2:35 TODAY.

Lunch today:   Chicken patty or spicy chicken patty sandwich, oven french fries, peaches and fresh fruit.

Special happy birthday wishes today to Tripp Tucci from all your family and friends here at Malvern.