Brown Local Back to School Information-
Malvern Elementary Jump Start Program will take place August 8th to August 12th.
🎵🎻Mark Your Calendars
🏞Free Concert In Malvern Community Park
⌚August 13th- 7:00-9:00 PM
🍨Free Ice Cream 6:00-7:00 PM
Great Family Event Sponsored by the Malvern Community Development Fund
Save the Date- Brown Local Schools Back to School Bash: August 15th, 5:30-7:30 PM. More details will be available in early August. #MalvernPride
Carroll County Health Department Pre-K Immunization Clinics will be held July 21, August 4th and August 11. Call 330-627-4866 ext. 1530 to schedule an appointment.
Happy Independence Day Weekend 2022! Everyone enjoy a safe, fun and festive Fourth of July Holiday Weekend! #MalvernPride
Meals will not be free for all students this upcoming school year as they have when the pandemic began. Applications will be available July 1. Stay tuned!
The first week of Summer Camp was a great time!!! Lots of learning and fun! #MalvernPride
Malvern Elementary School is seeking highly dedicated, caring and qualified professionals for the following positions:
Elementary Intervention Specialist
Elementary Tutor
Elementary Paraprofessional